
- last updated 04 October 2003
NEW, see below

Inclusion of sites in the list below does not necessarily imply agreement with their contents.
They are listed to inform readers of available opinion. Please let 'John aus Paris' know if any links are faulty.

National, Freedom, Popular & Republican Parties & Organizations in:


Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ) in English (with link to main German Homepage). The inclusion of the FPÖ as coalition partner into the Austrian govermnent in 2000 and the opposition to this from the EU did much to revitalize new political movements in Europe. The FPÖ Guestbook is mainly in German with some English entries. In the period during and shortly after the Austrian / EU crisis this site provided a useful resource bringing much new blood into nationalist movements throughout Europe.


Vlaams Blok in Flemish. Now with some useful pages in English. A great little party!
Vlaamse Jongeren Mechelen (VJM) in Flemish with an English page. (Encourage them by signing the guestbook if you visit)


Dansk Folkeparti (Danish People's Party) with link to English and German pages


Front National with link to English page
Mouvement National Republicain in French


German Republican Party (REP)
German People's Party, Deutsche Volksunion (DVU)
National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD)

Great Britain

BRITISH NATIONAL PARTY Since May 2003 the BNP has started making gains in local elections. To date the BNP has 17 council seats.


National Alliance in Italian and English, site has lots of information in English
The Federal Party "Lega Nord" in Italian, the Northern Italian Federal Party "Lega Nord", that recently concluded an alliance with the right-wing coalition and, together with it, won the last regional elections.
Also in English. "Welcome to Padania" which explains the goal of independence for North Italy.
Union für Südtirol in German, The 'Union for South Tyrol' led by Dr. Eva Klotz and Andreas Pöder is a group promoting the regional identity of South Tyrol and shaping public opinion towards the ultimate goal of an independent European State of Tyrol.

The Netherlands (Holland)

New National Party (NNP) in Dutch, The "Nieuwe Nationale Partij" is at present fairly small, but the fact that it came alive in a left-wing country like The Netherlands, and is growing gives us hope.


Norwegian Progress Party (FrP) in Norwegian, English, French and German, The "Fremskrittspartiet" led by its leader, Carl Hagen had a popular support of 15 % at the last elections.
Also, with no site. The People's movement against immigration (FMI) is, as the name says, tring to stop immigration into Norway.


NEW Partei National Orientierter Schweizer (PNOS) Also avaliable in English.
Swiss Democrats (SD)
Swiss Peoples Party (SVP)

Other useful sites:

Other British sites relating to the battle against the Eurocrats:

Magazines and publications:

General sites with information:

Finally, try the often over-the-top but certainly interesting newsgroups alt.politics.british and alt.politics.nationalism.white

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